This should be a simple Paint Shop Pro project for you to do, assuming you are somewhat familiar with basic Paint Shop Pro image editing techniques. To complete this tutorial you will need to know how to cut out images/remove backgrounds.
A couple months ago I posted a video tutorial of how to create custom PSP tubes. That video should provide you enough information about cutting out images/removing backgrounds. You can view it here. You will also need to be very familiar with creating layers because in this tutorial you will be creating several layers for the magazine. For this magazine video tutorial I used a beautiful photo of my wife. I have done several of these in the past. I have also included a soccer sporting magazine I created for oldest son Gage.
To help you out with this tutorial I have included the completed PSPIMAGE so you can use it as an example to help you understand the multiple layers. It hasn’t been re-sized and is roughly 7mb. Click here to download it. I hope you enjoy this tutorial.
6 Responses
um…where can i find some logos for my magazine?
I downloaded the file, but it won’t open in Paint Shop Pro 9
Any idea why?
What is the? name of the first song of the video “How to create magazine covers in Paint Shop Pro tutorial”?
Thank you very much…
Do you have any other recommendations for a similar site? Thanks!
I removed the link entirely since it was no longer working. However, you can search “sample Magazine logos” at http://www.google.com/images/ That should help you find several logo sites.
Adobe Photoshop is the industry strnadad, but also very expensive. If you buy a decent scanner or digital camera you will get a free copy of Adobe Photoshop Elements. (You can also buy this for about 50$ -100$ .)I would urge Photoshop Elements because it is more user forthcoming, simpler culture curve and all around a better price for just starting out.